Roadburn 2020 Will Feature Julie Christmas, James Kent (Perturbator), Emma Ruth Rundle and More

Will 2020 finally be the year I finally listen to what everyone is telling me and get my ass to The Netherlands for the Roadburn festival? The initial lineup announcement is certainly pulling on my heartstrings to do just that.
I lured you in with Julie Christmas, so I won’t bury the lede: the elusive musician will be performing a “a career-spanning set” that includes new music. Yes, that’s right: a solo Julie Christmas performance which will likely (hopefully!) include material from her collaborations with Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice and Cult of Luna as well as her own stuff. PLUS new music. Wrap your mind around that. Holy shit! As if that weren’t enough, joining Julie on stage will be Cult of Luna vocalist/guitarist Johannes Persson and ex-Kylesa guitarist Laura Pleasants.
What’s more, James Kent (aka Perturbator) and Emma Ruth Rundle have been announced as co-curators of Roadburn. The event’s yearly curators typically have a heavy hand in deciding which acts play, so I expect an extremely eclectic mix of bands and artists from all across the metal and metal-adjacent spectrum, including (hopefully) plenty of dark synthwave / electronic music and neo-folk, respectively. TOTALLY into this direction.
The festival has also commissioned three musical performances: James Kent & Johannes Persson, Jo Quail Presents “The Cartographer,” and Vile Creature & Bismuth: “A Hymn Of Loss And Hope.”
Roadburn will take place between April 16 and 19 in Tilburg, The Netherland. Tickets will be available here starting on September 24, with more details about the lineup to be revealed in the coming weeks.
[via Ghost Cult Mag]