Danny Carey Is Cool with Justin Bieber Being a Tool Fan
It would appear that, unlike Maynard James Keenan, drummer Danny Carey feels fine about the fact that Justin Beiber is a Tool fan.
In a clipping from an unspecified magazine shared on the Tool subreddit, Carey is asked if he minds having Bieber as an admirer, to which the drummer responds:
“Absolutely not! Anybody who digs your art, you want to share it with. It’s like trying to say you’re God Almighty to try to judge somebody. We’re not in the business of putting up barriers, that’s the job of politicians. They’re the idiots who want to build walls between people.”

Metal Injection surmises that those last two sentences may be a reference to President Monkey Vulva, which seems like a fair assumption.
Tool’s eagerly anticipated new album, Fear Inoculum, comes out August 30. We’ve heard it! Read our initial thoughts here. You can also check out the title track here.