The Dayton Shooter Was Wearing an Acacia Strain Hoodie, Prompting Lazy Ohio Journalist to Scapegoat Metal
Here we go again: from the satanic panic of the ’80s to the Columbine massacre in 1999, ill informed pundits have always been quick to scapegoat metal for violent acts. And now it’s happening once more, as Ohio broadcast journalist Jim Heath has blamed the Acacia Strain for yesterday’s shooting in Dayton, which saw nine people gunned down and 27 others injured, citing the band’s hoodie the shooter was wearing during the attack.
Here is a depiction of the hoodie in question:

The Acacia Strain’s vocalist Vincent Bennett was quick to share his thoughts on the matter, obviously shaken by the association and implication, condemning the shooter and offering to help the victims’ families however possible:
While journalists like Heath continue to push the lazy narrative that metal inspires violence (what of the millions of other Acacia Strain fans who have committed no violent acts? what of Saturday’s shooting in El Paso that was carried out by a deranged racist?), the real issue here is clear: a mentally ill man, steeped in a culture of violence, white privilege and patriarchy, had easy access to weapons of war. Sadly, it doesn’t seem likely that anything will change any time soon, as politicians continue to send “thoughts and prayers” and push rhetoric of change while accepting money from the NRA and refusing to take action. Another day in America in 2019.