
Video: Corey Taylor Stops a Slipknot Show When the Most Pit Gets Out of Control

  • Axl Rosenberg

Corey Taylor was forced to briefly stop Slipknot’s show in San Bernardino, CA this past Saturday, July 27, when the mosh pit got out of control.

According to concert attendees on Reddit, a young woman became trapped in the crowd and suffered a seizure. Other Redditors report that “Kids and females were on the ground, hurt or unconscious, while people were still running around over them,” and that “During the huge push on the first song a dude went down near me and was passed out face down on the ground… I’m pretty beefy and luckily there was another huge dude right there too but it still took both of us giving it our absolute everything, for probably a minute or so, he was going limp then waking up and going limp etc. the whole time he’s just in a daze saying help me please help me please.”

Upon seeing the chaos from the stage, Taylor halted the performance, telling the crowd that “No one is fucking getting hurt on my fucking watch, do you understand me?”

You can watch video of that moment below. Remaining Knotfest dates are herePlease be safe out there, everyone.

Knotfest SB was crazy fucking good. Mosh pits were so fucking rowdy, crazy good but some chicks started to get trampled & have seizures. Corey got mad, he stopped the song because people wouldn’t stop moving to get EMT In. from r/Slipknot

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