Listen to the Epic Title Track of Rivers of Nihil’s Where Owls Know My Name

You guys sure seem to be digging this new Rivers of Nihil album a whole lot, eh? It’s hard for me to judge since I’m biased — and I’ve been listening to this thing for nearly six months already — but I’m rather partial to it as well, and seeing the notoriously scathing MetalSucks comments section slather praise all over it like a fat man spreads mayo on a burger makes me think, “Gee, they really have outdone themselves this time, haven’t they?” Inb4 several of you start shit-posting right now because I said that… but yeah, whatever.
So: following up “The Silent Life” and “A Home,” the band has just released the title track from their forthcoming album Where Owls Know My Name via Loudwire. Following up those two songs, this may be the most experimental and adventurous one yet, which is saying a lot on an album full of the atypical. Those clean vocals in the track’s intro come courtesy of Black Crown Initiate’s Andy Thomas, and the saxophone was played by Zach Strouse, who also delivered a killer performance on “The Silent Life.” If the phrases “clean vocals” and “saxophone” are surprising for you to see alongside Rivers of Nihil’s name… well, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do here, buddy!
Where Owls Know My Name comes out on March 16th via Metal Blade; pre-order here in a variety of configurations including with vinyl, wall flags, longsleeves, pint glasses and more.
The band will be part of a MetalSucks-sponsored tour with Dying Fetus, Thy Fart is Murder, Enterprise Earth, and Sanction starting later this month. Get dates here!!!