Rivers of Nihil Knock Your Block Off with New Song “A Home”

One of the most exciting aspects of Where Owls Know My Name, the new album from Rivers of Nihil, is the way that it expands the band’s sound. This isn’t just Conscious Seed of Light Part 3 or whatever; it’s textured by a far more diverse array of influences, from metal and non-metal artists alike, than the band’s previous releases.
You’ll get a small taste of that from the newly released Owls track “A Home.” It’s still heavy as fuqq, but it also has melodic and ambient elements; parts of it sound like the furiously beautiful work of bands like Buried Inside, and although it’s in no way a djent song, some of the leads would seem at home in a djent band. Ditto the acoustic guitars and clean vocals, which ought to appeal to fans of The Contortionist and their ilk. It’s got more breadth than any five-minute song really has a right to, and yet, not only does it work, it rules. And it’s just a flesh wound — wait ’til you hear the rest of Owls!
Check out “A Home” below, courtesy of Invisible Oranges. You should head over there, ’cause along with the song debut, they’ve published an in-depth interview with RoN guitarist Brody Uttley.
Where Owls Know My Name comes out March 16 on Metal Blade. Pre-order it here. The band will be part of a MetalSucks-sponsored tour with Dying Fetus, Thy Fart is Murder, Enterprise Earth, and Sanction starting in March. Get dates here!!!