
New Breaking Benjamin Video Looks Like Every Other Breaking Benjamin Video Ever Made


Breaking Benjamin have released a video for their latest single “Red Cold River,” and it’s okay.

It doesn’t really make a lot of sense, especially with the lyrics for the song — but then again, the song doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense either. It sounds like literally every Breaking Benjamin song, and the video looks like every Breaking Benjamin video.

Does this band even write new material, or do they just rearrange their last track and throw some fresh lyrics on it?

Who produces their videos? Who makes these decisions? How can somebody consistently make bad choice after bad choice? Is it intentional? Do people actually think this sounds good? Because when I listen, all I can hear is the clinking of coins instead the clashing of cymbals. They’re a lot like Nickleback, but even Nickleback have at least two different songs.

Check out Breaking Benjamin Track Variant #179 and the video below, I guess.

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