Enlarge Behemoth and Decapitated. Photo by miha9000.

Nergal Weighs in on the Dismissal of Rape and Kidnapping Charges Against Decapitated

  • Axl Rosenberg

Behemoth’s Nergal has released a statement celebrating the release of Decapitated. All charges of rape and kidnapping against the band were dropped last week, seemingly because the prosecutor felt she didn’t have the evidence she needed.

“4 months ago, Decapitated were accused of kidnap and gang rape – subsequently they were put in a County prison and later into a local jail…and the shit hit the fan! I recall the similar case of my friends from Satyricon/Keep of Kalessin who spent 2 months in a Canadian prison because someone accused them of rape. It took 2 months of legal bureaucracy and the help of the Norwegian government to get them out. The accuser finally recanted the allegations, claiming it was a mistake. They never received compensation for financial losses or emotional trauma, just a brief apology and a document to prove their innocence (which they must always carry around with them). Somehow, from the very beginning my intuition told me my friends from Decapitated would be just fine. Now, I’m not claiming to be a prophet but I’m an optimist and a good judge of character, I know these guys and I know they couldn’t/wouldn’t hurt a fly. They are now released and have had charges dropped (without prejudice). It’s obviously a big relief to their families and friends, including myself. So…what’s next for their career after such severe defamation? What about their good name? What about their families? I hope they get their justice and strike back soon!!! And Justice For All? Well…not quite. But getting innocent people back home…HELL YES! Last thing, friends – stay rational and reasonable and think carefully before you speak… and caste a stone at innocent people. Welcome home brothers.”

I know saying this isn’t gonna do anything to help my popularity problem, but I feel compelled to point out a couple of things:

  1. “The well being of the victim” was specifically cited as the cause of the prosecutor’s decision to drop the charges. This is not an admission that the prosecutor believes Decapitated to be innocent.
  2. Dropped charges are not the same thing as acquittal.
  3. As Nergal himself notes, the charges were dropped “without prejudice” — which means the band could still be prosecuted at some point in the future.

I don’t know if Decapitated are innocent or guilty. I do know, as we’ve said many times before here on MetalSucks, that this situation was always lose/lose — either women were assaulted, or victim shamers would feel their behavior was justified. I think it’s important we keep this in mind as we continue to discuss what happened. The United States justice system has not made any legal determination regarding the band’s guilt or innocence, but a lot of people wrongly interpreted this news to mean they are definitely innocent. Dancing in the streets is not the right reaction to what has happened.

If Decapitated are innocent, I’m glad they’re getting to go home. But this isn’t a happy ending. The situation began shittily. It continued to be shitty. It ended shittly. It is shitty. Nothing will ever change that.

[via The PRP]

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