
Louisville Deathfest Livestreams Some Dude’s Penis (NSFW)

  • Axl Rosenberg

Let’s all hear for the organizers of Louisville Deathfest for continuing to fight against all negative stereotypes about the great state of Kentucky.

In case you’re just joining us now, the highlights of Louisville Deathfest’s season have included pulling a disappearing act without paying the bands or the venue (including acts such as Arkaik, Vale of Pnath, Pyrrhon, Anagnorisis, and Imperial Triumphant) and attacking Lauren Ray, former vocalist of metal outfit Stagecoach Inferno, for being a transgender woman, while making jokes about autism to boot.

Now MetalSucks reader Jasmine G. tells us that whomever runs the LDF Facebook page also took some time this week to livestream his penis.

Seriously. We have screencaps:

louisville-deathfest-penis-2 louisville-deathfest-penis-1

It would be tempting to write this off as a very unfortunate mistake… if not for that other heinous shit I mentioned. It seems pretty clear right now that whomever is charge of the fest’s social media is either a raging scumbag or insane or both. I can’t for the life of me figure out what this was meant to accomplish.

If anyone knows of any other bizarre or just outright douchie behavior coming from the fest’s page, or can even just explain to us what the fucking fuck is going on here, please, hit us up.

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