Listen to Hatebreed’s Expletive-Filled Theme Song for Howard Stern
Hatebreed have recorded a theme song for Howard Stern. I’m not entirely sure how this came about, but who cares? It’s Hatebreed and Howard Stern. All pairings should be this cool.
Amy Sciarretto, Hatebreed’s publicist (and one of The 25 Most Important People in Metal!), shared the track online. You can check it out below. Keep in mind that you can actually understand what Jamey Jasta is screaming, and he is screaming a ton of naughty words, so consider it NSFW. Hatebreed’s tour in celebration of the anniversaries of both Satisfaction is the Death of Desire and Perseverance kicks off at the end of October; get dates here.
[via Rock Feed]
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