Republican Senate Leadership Fund “Very Interested” in Having Kid Rock Run for Senate

It’s been almost a month since Kid Rock made a peep about his possible 2018 run for Senate in his home state of Michigan. This being the case, you might have assumed that we were out of the woods with regards to the possibility of Senator Rock doing to the United States government what he did to Metallica.
So, bad news: this scenario is still very much on the table. Sad but true.
The Washington Examiner reports that Steven Law, president of the innocuous-sounding Senate Leadership Fund, this afternoon told C-SPAN that “We’d be actually very interested in [Rock’s] candidacy,” noting that Rock is currently behind Democratic incumbent Debbie Stabenow in the polls by only eight points, which he calls “not a bad place to start”:
“‘The superficial sense of Kid Rock is that he’s an entertainer, that he’s kind of this wild redneck,’ Law continued. ‘But the truth of the matter is that he’s done a lot in his home state philanthropically, he’s a pretty smart guy, he thinks about policy, and he’s a shrewd businessman.’
“‘He hasn’t stayed this long in the business that he’s been in by actually living the life that he looks like he lives when he’s on stage. So I certainly wouldn’t count him out. We’d be pretty interested in his candidacy,’ Law said before looking into the camera and saying, ‘So if you’re watching, Kid, we hope you run.’”
Worth noting: the SLF is actually a super PAC, and Law is the former Chief of Staff to Republican senator/complete waste of sperm and egg Mitch McConnell. So unless you’re the sort of person who goes to World War II movies and roots for the Germans, these are not the good guys.
The silver lining here is that there’s no indication Law has actually spoken with Rock. Hopefully The Artist Formerly Known as Bob Ritchie keeps his gibberish on the stage and out of the government. The last thing we need right now is The Bawitdaba Health Care Act.