Exhumed Announce New Album, Release First Single

Exhumed’s new album, Death Revenge, will be a particularly special one for the band. There are a couple of reasons for this. For one thing, Death Revenge will mark Exhumed’s first album with bassist/vocalist Ross Sewage (a.k.a. ‘Cremator’ of Ghoul fame) since 1998’s Gore Metal.
For another thing, Death Revenge is a concept album — the band’s first — which is a true story that “takes place in the late 1820s in Edinburgh, Scotland and tells the macabre tale of a series of brutal murders where the victims’ cadavers were sold to anatomists, amid a grisly underground trade of grave-robbery.”
(Metal Injection surmises that the story in question is that of the Burke and Hare murders, about which John Landis made a pretty funny movie in 2010. I gather Exhumed’s approach will be less whimsical.)
So have the band’s ambition, reunion and ambitious reunion all paid off? Obviously we won’t know for sure ’til Relapse releases Death Revenge on Friday, October 13 (when else?), but based on the first single, “Defenders of the Grave,” I’m inclined to believe they pulled it off. This track is just four minutes of sheer killerocity. Chaotic, punishing old school DM bookended by an epic melodeath riff and topped off with a fluid, groovy guitar solo, “Grave” is like a Death sandwich on Carcass bread with Amott’s Own honey mustard. If the rest of Death Revenge is as good as this, we’ll all be in comas by October 14.
Check out “Defenders of the Grave” below, then pre-order Death Revenge here!