Check Out This Chelsea Wolfe / Deafheaven Remix of Youth Code’s “Lost at Sea”
Youth Code’s absolutely fantastic 2016 album Commitment to Complications is still in my regular rotation. It was, after all, my most favoritest release of the year.
And now, thanks to a new remix, I can continue to enjoy the album in new ways. Remixes are fun because they offer fresh takes on tracks we’re very familiar with, and for that reason I’m loving Chelsea Wolfe and George Clarke’s (of Deafheaven) collaborative remix of Commitment to Complications album-closer “Lost at Sea.” It’s the same but different, old but new… kinda like the original, but not really.
Youth Code say of the remix:
“To have such amazing artists come together to collaborate on such a deeply personal song is an absolute dream come true. Thematically the song is pretty transparent as it deals with feelings of loss and frustration that there is no hope for any redemption in the future. We would like to donate all the proceeds of this song to Planned Parenthood in hopes that people in need of these resources can continue to attain them without ever having to feel lost or frustrated with taking care of their reproductive health.”
The “Lost at Sea” remix is available at Bandcamp for $1 (or more, if you’re feeling generous) with all proceeds going to benefit Planned Parenthood. Check it out below.
[via The PRP]