Photo Caption Contest: Win a MetalSucks Hoodie!

Last week we gave away two copies of limited edition box sets of Tarja Turunen’s last album Colours in the Dark. The set includes the album on CD in a hardcover book format, including a beautiful 40-page booklet full of pictures, a 60-page vinyl sized picture book, a rare t-shirt, two posters and a download code. The winning captions to the above photo are:
- Poppedeye LeSailor: “What happened to Nightwish since I left? They fell down to the Floor. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitress.”
- Biff Clurton: “Scott Ian is this tall.”
This week we’re giving away a very nifty MetalSucks hoodie to keep you warm through the rest of the winter, and out yourself as a lefty commie pinko with bad taste in metal to all your friends as well. We have t-shirts, too, by the way, for just $15. All you need to do to win is comment with a caption to the below photo, and we’ll choose our favorite next Thursday and announce it here.
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