Queens of the Stone Age Call Donald Trump a “Clown Penis”; Clown Penises Offended
Clowns across the globe are outraged this morning after Queens of the Stone Age compared them to President Donald Trump this weekend:
Binky Bam Bam, president of the CADL (Clown Anti-Defamation League), has released the following statement in response to QOTA:
“For far too long, the word ‘clown’ has been used derogatorily. Save for some outliers (and what group doesn’t have a few rotten apples?), clowns, and their penises, have committed no crime other than attempting to bring joy and laughter to the world. To compare our genitals to a creature as ignorant and puerile as Donald Trump is offensive and hurtful to both clowns and the people who love them. Why not compare this dingus to something truly reprehensible, like Ted Nugent’s taint? That would make considerably more sense.”
QOTSA have not issued a response to the CADL, but sources close to the band tell MetalSucks that “They did not mean to offend anyone, they just wanted to point out what a worthless piece of shit Trump is.”
[via The PRP]