Fit for an Autopsy Imagine a Bleak Future for America with New Song + Video, “Heads Will Hang”

Metal bands have been writing songs and making music videos about nuclear war and the fall of the First World pretty much the genre’s inception. But rarely have they felt as timely as “Heads Will Hang,” the new single and accompanying clip from Fit for an Autopsy. The band tells Alternative Press that “Heads” is specifically designed to elicit sympathy for those less fortunate than most Americans, as well as Americans currently suffering themselves:
“People in the United States always seems to form these really strong opinions about war, refugees, and other crisis situations in Third World nations without really having the perspective of what’s actually happening there. Everyone’s guilty of it to some extent; a lot of us live very privileged lives in comparison to other pockets of the world, where the basic comforts like clean water, power, shelter, and safety are not guaranteed.
“The concept behind the song/video was to set a scenario in America where a normal happy family was placed in a similar extreme situation, in the hope that it creates a certain feeling of empathy for what less fortunate nations are experiencing right now. And to shed some light on just how close we are to the same tragedies hitting our homes.”
The band would have had to have written this song and commissioned this video some time ago, so there’s no way they could have known that its release would neatly coincide with President Clown Penis‘ travel ban. But that doesn’t make it any less affecting.
And, hey, even if all you care about is listening to some br00tal shit, there’s a breakdown at 3:28 which is so goddamn heavy it might yank your arms from their sockets.
Check out “Heads Will Hang” below. The song will appear on FFA’s new full-length, The Great Collapse, on March 17 via eOne/Good Fight (North America) and SPV (not North America). The band also go on tour with with After the Burial next month; get dates here.