
Woman Sexually Assaulted At Bloodstock Open Air


According to Metal Hammer, a woman was sexually assaulted this past weekend at the Bloodstock Open Air festival in England.

The woman, 28, was attacked in her tent between 2:50pm and 3:20pm on Sunday, August 14th. The perpetrator assaulted her before she responded by attacking him with a flashlight, at which point he fled.

The perpetrator was white, with short mousey hair, uneven teeth, acne scars, and grey eyes with blue flecks. Festival organizers and Derbyshire police are asking festivalgoers to help them find this man.

A quick warning, guys: Most music festivals have the population of a small two or city. It pays to be extremely careful regarding safety. This is not to blame the victim in this situation; any piece of shit who would sexually assault someone is the person at fault, and deserves ample punishment. But please, be careful, and if someone does do something like this to you, report them immediately.

More as it comes.

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