
The Most Metal Mad Scientists of All Time — That’s So Metal! Episode 13


Welcome to the 12th episode of That’s So Metal! Hosted by the great Whitney Moore (follow her on Twitter and Instagram!), That’s So Metal! is the show about everything metal going on outside the world of metal music. It’s VIRAL GARBAGE for your BRUTAL SOUL.

This week, Whitney really stretches her range by channeling the souls of some history’s most metal mad scientists, such as Giovanni Aldini (who tried to raise the dead using electricity, Frankenstein-style), Charles Claude Gutherie (who successfully attached a second head to an old dog), Paracelsus (who tried to create a tiny man by jerking off into a pile of horse shit), and more.

Watch Episode 13 of That’s So Metal! below. And don’t forget to subscribe to MetalSucks on YouTube to make sure you never miss an episode!

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