Sunday To Go On A Magical, Mothical Mystery Tour
Do you believe in magic?
Are the powers you possess truly real??
Is every little thing you do magical or just the, ahem, aforementioned unmentionables???
Well, I’m retaining faith and expecting something quite special, so it’s really simple:
….just be amazing. NO PRESSURE.
Anywayyyyy… case you hadn’t heard, I’m currently on ze road with my FAMILY on a magically delicious adventure through North America in support of our new album Future History, which was released recently on Prosthetic Records. At the moment, we are enjoying a great deal of Southern hospitality on the first leg of our tour and getting exposed to some killer bands along the way. Check out the dates below and come rockit with us in your city!
Last night in tha ‘Ham (Birmingham, Amabala to those who don’t know) we encountered a stellar trio named Moth Face that I’m feeling inspired to feature today. Raw, ripping, harmonic, hooky — down-home punk rock attitude with a bit of classic rock swagger and fiery guitar solos aplenty. Check out some tuneage here.
Looking ahead down the road towards our forthcoming West Coast adventures, we will also be playing with the mighty Dust Moth in Seattle over Labor Day weekend — this is another band you should definitely know about, especially with its new album Scale having just been released. Mothtastic!
Soon enough we’ll be making sweet sexy magique together, but for now…..