
Rishabh Seen Covers Animals as Leaders’ “Ka$cade” on the Sitar


19-year-old Indian musician Rishabh Seen has made a name for himself covering Animals as Leaders songs on the sitar — his versions of “Tempting Time,” “Tooth & Claw” and “Wave of Babies” took the Metalnets by storm last year. Why Animals as Leaders all the time? Perhaps something about their music lends itself particularly well to the setup and timbre of the sitar. Rishabh plays original music with his own band Mute the Saint as well.

Rishabh is back with his latest after a long layoff, this time giving the sitar treatment to the AAL song “Kas$cade” from their 2014 release The Joy of Motion. We pretty much know what to expect from these covers now — gorgeous interpretations of AAL’s music with the twang of a sitar — but this time the video has the production to match the song’s beauty. HOLY CRAP WHERE WAS THIS FILMED I NEED TO GO THERE ASAP! The video description says it was shot in Dharamsala, which Google Maps shows is in the foothills of the Himalayans in far northern India. How much are flights? I can totally write that off as an expense for MetalSucks, right?

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