
Torche Involved in Van Accident


Back in 2010, Intronaut’s Sacha Dunable wrote a blog post for MetalSucks about the best and worst drives in the U.S. including this nugget of wisdom about travel between Denver and Salt Lake City:

Do not take the route on I-80 through Wyoming because you will probably die. Ever hear a story about a band hitting black ice and crashing their van? Chances are it happened on this road.

Every Time I Die crashed on this stretch of road in 2006Fallujah wrecked there in 2012, Motionless in White did so just last year, and countless other bands throughout the years have as well.

And guess what happened to Torche this past weekend? En route to Salt Lake City after their show in Denver, the band took this stretch of I-80 (which is, unfortunately, the most direct route), hit a patch of ice, and ate shit. Thankfully everyone escaped the accident OK, and the damage to their trailer and van was, all things considered, minimal: the trailer flipped and ended up requiring a new wheel, and the back of the van got dinged up. Here’s the band’s report via Facebook:

Glad everyone is OK! And, amazingly, that they ended up making their scheduled performance in SLC.

Dudes in bands reading this: drive carefully on that stretch of I-80 in Wyoming! The calendar says May today, but as the time I’m writing this it’s 19 degrees in Laramie, WY, perfect van-crashing weather. All year round, be safe!

[via The PRP]

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