Periphery III Studio Update II: Attack of the Djent
Periphery have released a second studio update for their next album! Rich kids with 28-string PRS guitars and 50 guitar pedals rejoice!
I kid, I kid. I love Periphery, but the rich kid prog stereotype is just all too real where I’m from. Anyway, the existence of a second studio update means Periphery are probably at least some amount closer to having finished the recording of their next album than they were with studio update number one. That’s exciting, right?
I, for one, have never really been that big of a fan of studio updates; a lot of bands take them s00p3r srsly and just try to hype their album up like it’s going to be the end-all album that will be greater than the invention of Pornhub the internet. But this isn’t the case with Periphery; all they’re doing here is dicking around and playing music, and that’s how it should be. The update has a shot of guitarist Mark Holcomb eating Chinese food and it’s pretty much the loneliest thing I’ve seen all week. But even better than that is the fact that Periphery are definitely rocking out to Opeth’s “Deliverance” and, well, I don’t think I need to tell any metalhead how rad that is.