
Bobby Liebling “Throbblehead” Available for Pentagram Fans, People Who Want Nightmares

  • Axl Rosenberg

Are you massive Pentagram fan? Do you collect bobbleheads? Looking for a guest room tchotchke that says to your visitors, “Sleep with one eye open”? If you answered “yes” to one or more of those questions, than this product is for you: the Bobby Liebling “Throbblehead” from Aggronautix and Liebling’s Ram Family.

Bobby Liebling throbblehead

Shiver. I’ve seen authentic shrunken heads that I found less disturbing than this thing. Lemme ask you a question: why are its eyes following me? WHY ARE ITS EYES FOLLOWING ME?!?!

They’re only making 500 of these terrifying things, so if you want one, get on it. They’ll make a terrific Christmas gift for a child who will someday need therapy.

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