Music Premieres

Exclusive Album Stream: InAeona, Force Rise the Sun


This past Saturday night at Brooklyn metal institution Duff’s, InAeona vocalist Bridge hushed the room and gave a brief introduction to the band’s new album Force Rise the Sun, which was about to be pumped through the bar’s sound system for their official listening party. The contents of her toast: that the band had poured their hearts and souls into the album, that they were grateful for the opportunity and that they hoped we’d all enjoy it.

“Well, yeah, no shit,” was what I wanted to say in that moment. I’d been sitting with Force Rise the Sun for weeks already and was well aware of the power and intensity of the album. But I was glad to be there, in that moment, to watch a room full of listeners be turned onto it one by one.

And now I get to do the same thing with you. Press play and see what you think. I present the album below without any comment on what it sounds like, although if you’re curious to read what I’ve written in the past about the band you can do so here and here.

Force Rise the Sun comes out on August 7th and can be pre-ordered here.

InAeona - Force Rise the Sun

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