Listen to Thirty Seconds of New Iron Maiden Music? Twist My Arm, Why Doncha?

Iron Maiden have released thirty seconds of a new song as part of a promotional video for their forthcoming album, The Book of Souls. I haven’t fallen bum-over-noggin in love with a Maiden album since Brave New World came out fifteen years ago, but I will be forever optimistic about new Maiden because, well, Maiden.
So does this sound promising? It’s hard to say without context, especially because they didn’t release, like, a chorus or something — it’s guitar solos. Bad guitar solos have never really been an issue for Maiden; no one has ever said “Man, A Matter of Life and Death would be the best Maiden album ever if not for those shitty guitar solos!” If this thirty seconds was pulled from the album’s eighteen-minute-long song, and the other seventeen-minutes-and-thirty-seconds of that song are totally mundane, well, that would be a problem. So I dunno.
Listen to the thirty seconds below. The first single will be out August 14. The Book of Souls is out September 4.