Devin Townsend Details His Latest Live Rig

Four years ago Devin Townsend detailed his massive live rig piece by piece in a lengthy post he wrote for MetalSucks. He even went so far as to make available his custom AxeFX patches for anyone to download — completely on his own, not at our urging — because who cares if people have his tones, it’s all in the hands, right? And no one could possibly replicate Devin’s twisted genius anyway.
But guitar rigs are like toilet paper: musicians go through ’em mighty fast. So it’s no surprise that Heavy Devy has changed things up quite a bit since 2011. Gear Gods posted a video from Total Guitar in which Devin runs through his latest setup, and while it doesn’t include an air conditioner it does include all sorts of new doo-dads… and a piece of rubber doo-doo.