13 Awesome Ways to Use the Low Strings on a Guitar

All the myriad “52 styles of metal in 5 minutes” videos that now abound on the web have become a bit grating, if only because a) there are so damn many of them, and b) who’s got 5 minutes for anything these days? GIVE ME EASILY DIGESTIBLE CLICKBAIT OR GIVE ME DEATH!!
Thankfully YouTube user Egor Lappo knows what’s up, as he demonstrates in his new video “13 Awesome Ways To Use Low Strings,” which lasts a perfectly palatable minute and a half. This one’s especially fun because Egor demonstrates each of the 13 methods with easily relatable examples that mimic the style of well-known bands, and his imitations are spot-on. I especially dig the double Textures shout-out.
Watch below, then go back to looking at videos of cats.