Exclusive Track Premiere: “False Hope” by F*ck the Facts

Few bands can write the musical equivalent of a roller coaster the way Fuck the Facts can. The Canadian quintet has never been afraid to throw the listener for a loop, seamlessly cycling through various styles during the course of a single song. Case in point: “False Hope,” the new Fuck the Facts song that we are thrilled to be premiering on MetalSucks today. Roughly three-fifths of the song is classic death-grind which will blast beat you into nothing but ash and a shadow on the wall… and then the song transforms into a slower, classic rock-tinged, elegiac, but no less brutal track for the last two minutes. That the switch is so seamless and that the two pieces fit together so well is a testament to Fuck the Facts’ songwriting powers. There is always a method to their madness, and the results are dependably great each and every time.
So what are you waiting for? Stream “False Hope” below! It will appear on the band’s new album, Desire Will Rot, which comes out August 25 on Noise Salvation. Digital pre-orders are just four bucks, and come with an immediate download of the song “Solitude.” You can also pre-order physical copies here. Fuck the Facts kick off a North American tour in late August; get dates here!