Billy Milano Puts M.O.D. to Bed, Retires from Touring

Metal fans planning to attend Obscene Extreme in Montreal this coming August were dealt some rough news last week: M.O.D. will not be appearing at the festival.
But the news cuts even deeper than that and effects a whole lot more people: Billy Milano is hanging it up as a touring musician and putting M.O.D. to rest.
The following message appeared on Milano’s website at some point in the past couple of weeks (unfortunately there’s no time stamp, so we’re not certain exactly when):
After a long hard ride of 30 years, I have decided to not release the new M.O.D. record. To not continue on a live tour schedule of any type and spend my time on the things in life that matter. Family and love.
I want to thank all the M.O.D. fans around the world who supported the band and vision of music for the fans by a fan of music. I thank you greatly with all my heart, but I just don’t want to do it any longer. I just wanted to have some fun one more time and I did. Twice.
It’s time to say farewell.
Peace, happiness and love to all.Respectfully,
the artist formally known as Billy Milano
That last line is especially puzzling — will he now go by his birth name, William John Massie, or some variation thereof? Or was it a failed attempt at a Prince joke? I suppose it’s understandable if he feels the “Billy Milano” moniker is inextricably tied to his career in metal, although I find it difficult to imagine that people will just stop referring to him as such.
In any case it’s hard to fault Milano for deciding to hang it up — the musician lifestyle is fucking TOUGH, as we’ve discussed in this space countless times. But Milano’s career has been incredibly enduring and successful so I’m sure he feels as if he’s lived it up to the fullest… and he has. Dude’s been doing it since 1981 and is 52 years old! Best of luck in whatever you do next, William.
Thanks: Ian F.