Punishing Pictorials

Star Wars Day Gets Metal


May the fourth be with you!

Today is May 4 — which means today is the annual Star Wars Day! With a new Star Wars movie that might actually not suck coming out at the end of this year, 2015’s Star Wars Day feels especially, well… force-ful.

So we’ve decided to collect some of our favorite Stars Wars/metal mash-ups, both pictorial and auditory, for your amusement. We hope you enjoy it.

We also hope you enjoy this part where we hock our Star Wars-themed MetalSucks merch! You can purchase any and all of these items here.

ms-starwars-final1-webStar Wars Day Gets MetalStar Wars Day Gets MetalStar Wars Day Gets MetalStar Wars Day Gets Metal

And now, all the stuff which will not help us pay our bills, but is awesome nonetheless:


vader finds your lack of metal disturbing



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