Hipsters Out Of Metal!

Blood Command: In Studio Now!

  • Anso DF

Blood Command live

It’s already been three years since Funeral Beach, the first album by Blood Command? Wow! But it’s not like those years winked by with BC’s hooky hardcore out of sight and out of mind; no, the origin of my present shock is that I’ve still been listening to Funeral Beach every other week for … 150 weeks? Is that possible? Has your relationship with any album maintained this intensity for so long? Shouldn’t Funeral Beach be on my back burner by now, and a new Blood Command album a tantalizing dot way out on my personal event horizon? Maybe! But no. Three years after that classic, I’m not even ready for another Blood Command album.

But it’s coming and there’s video from the studio. It’s not much, but it’s enough to rearrange the priorities of BC fans present and future. And it’s enough to make you wonder if the “long” wait was a courtesy to their forebears in At The Drive-In and Refused, who reactivated in the interim since Funeral Beach. Well, nuts to that. Check out that video here.


Get Blood Command’s Funeral Beach here.

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