VV. Important Announcement: This Kid on YouTube Really Hates Devourment

Sixteen-year-old Eric Ritter really hates Devourment. So much so that the band inspired the Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt-wearing teen to post an 8-minute long reaction video to his YouTube account, and exclaim in an extremely disaffected manner, “I don’t think anything good can ever come out of slam,” “this is probably gonna be worse than that Blood on the Dance Floor video,” and “I’ll bet your parents are really proud of you.” Those quotes alone are worth the price of admission!
But perhaps even better than the video itself is the back-and-forth between Mr. Ritter and Devourment fans that ensued after Devourment posted the video to their Facebook page. I’ll leave the highlights therein for you guys to explore on your own. Enjoy!
Thanks: Tim H.