You Can Now Purchase Metallica and Slayer Shirts at H&M
Fashionable retail clothing company H&M, in what can I only assume is an attempt to compete with the increasingly-metal friendly Urban Outfitters, is now selling multiple shirts and tank tops featuring the logos of various metal bands, including Metallica, Slayer, and Guns N’ Roses.
Here are the goods, as modeled by some very sad-looking, androgynous models who looks like they could really use a sandwich:
And here’s another metal-friendly shirt, although it’s (obviously) not a design for any particular band:
It seems pretty clear that these shirts are intended not for actual fans, but for people who like wearing what they perceive to be cool-looking band logos (e.g., 99% of everyone who owns a Black Flag shirt). Still, I give H&M slightly more credit than I give Urban Outfitters, for the sole reason that their metal-themed shirts run about $18, which is actually affordable (and probably about half of what these bands sell their merch for at concerts), unlike the Urban Outfitters gear, which is false AND overpriced.
Thanks: TheartistformerlyKnownas Ascii Disko