Least Surprising News Ever: All Shall Perish’s Adam Pierce is the New Drummer for Emmure

Photo by Jeremy Saffer
All Shall Perish drummer Adam Pierce (above, second from left) has joined Emmure. This news is not at all shocking, given that Pierce has been touring with the band since Mark Costillo got cochlear implants and split last July (even Emmure admit “This may not be news to some [fans]”). This news is shocking in that it means Pierce is, himself, deaf.
I kid, I kid. Pierce is a good drummer and I’m happy for his ability to pay however many new bills on account of working with Emmure.
But what does this mean for All Shall Perish? That band, which has gone through some rough times over the past couple of years, is scheduled to release a new album this year. And The PRP points out that “Pierce continues to list himself as a member of both outfits on his Twitter” — and it seems worth mentioning that as of this writing, the drummer’s Twitter handle is @adamemmureasp, which would also suggest that, at the very least, he considers himself to be a member of both bands. So, hopefully, Pierce’s joining Emmure doesn’t mean he has to leave ASP.
Funny enough, Pierce will find himself on tour with his former ASP bandmate, vocalist Eddie Hermida, when Emmure hit the road with Suicide Silence next month. You can get dates for that trek here.