Delusional Patricidal Murderer Claims to be Part of a Conspiracy Involving Slayer

I feel a little bad making fun of Leroy Smith III, a twenty-five-year-old Maine resident who has admitted to killing his father in May of last year. To use the popular parlance of our times, “The guy clearly has issues.”
But yeah I’m gonna poke fun at this whackadoo anyhoo.
See, Smith is completely fucking fucknuts. That probably goes without saying, on account of the fact that he, y’know, chopped his dad up into little pieces and dumped the remains in the woods. But the dude has also claimed to be a political prisoner, and, uh, God. I mean, you’d think if he were God, he could just will himself out being a political prisoner, but clearly this guy’s capacity for logic left him long ago.
“This is all very sad and funny,” I can hear you say, “but what does it have to do with metal?”
Well, this is what it has to do with metal: at his competency hearing yesterday, Mr. Smith claimed that at age eleven, he was forced at gunpoint to “keep secret of what I am”… in the presence of Slayer. He also claims that Jeff Hanneman took his own life (technically speaking, he didn’t, although I suppose you could argue that alcoholism is a form of slow suicide).
Here’s video of Smith’s mostly incoherent ramble:
Shockingly, Smith was subsequently declared incompetent to stand trial. He will presumably spend the remainder of his days in a room with padded walls. I hear the meds in those places are pretty good, though, so, hey. Always look on the bright side of life.
Interesting side note: authorities found a Slipknot shirt amongst the remains of Smith’s father. Is it possible he killed his dad as a result of a MetalSucks comments section-style bitch fight over which band was superior?