Whitechapel Guitarist Stars in a Commercial for Pomade, Specializes in Grandpa Haircuts

Back in the late ’90s / early ’00s dudes were all about hair gel. Then in the mid ’00s it became super uncool — au natural was in, hair gel was for Jersey Shore guidos and stripey-shirt dude-bros only! But trends tend to be cyclical and now hair gel is back, only it’s apparently called “pomade” now to evoke that retro ’50s vibe that matches the just-got-back-from-World-War-II haircuts that 20-somethings everywhere are now sporting in an effort to emulate their grandpas. Hair gel proper is still reserved for jocks and i-bankers, apparently.
So: Whitechapel guitarist Alex Wade is all aboard the grandpa haircut trend, and not only is he a talented barber well versed in this style, but he’s landed himself an endorsement with Arcadian Grooming, a company that boasts “Gentleman’s Grooming Products.” Alex’s product of choice: the Classic Pomade. Though the company is based out of the band’s hometown of Knoxville, TN, their hysterical website copy reads like it’s straight out of a trust fund-financed artist loft in Bushwick. Seriously, read this and try not to LOL:
From day one no stone was left unturned to find out what it takes to make our product stand out from the rest and bring the full package on all that we offer. From our scents to the actual functionality of the product itself, we aim to present a name that you can be guaranteed gave its all for those who sought out for a honest brand they could trust.
Our products are all handmade and hand labeled. No mixtures have been made in a lab nor have they been created as a duplicate from something already on the market. Many hours have been spent in the making and testing of each and every product we offer until we can guarantee a package you will be happy with.
Wait, it’s not even organic?? Pssshhh, then it’s not for me.
Here’s a video of Wade giving some dude a grandpa haircut then neatly folding some pomade into his hair. I’m digging on that custom Whitechapel haircut cover cloth, tho!! Baller.
[via The PRP]