Remembering Dimebag Darrell

Remembering Dimebag Darrell Ten Years Later: Crowbar’s Kirk Windstein


MetalSucks Remembering Dime14481614236_60d5d121ac_hOn December 8, 2004, Dimebag Darrell Abbott was brutally murdered while playing live with Damageplan. The already-legendary Pantera guitarist was just thirty-eight years old. Today, the tenth anniversary of his death, heavy hitters from throughout the metal world will honor this fallen icon on MetalSucks by sharing their favorite Dime riffs, solos, and, in some cases, personal remembrances. Below, Kirk Windstein, guitarist and vocalist for Crowbar, discusses his favorite Dime solo:

I have to go with Dime’s solo on “We’ll Meet Again” off of Power Metal! I remember him playing that for me in his hotel room in Shreveport, Louisiana. No amp, just him with his dead, sitting on the edge of his bed. My jaw hit the floor! To me, that was the precursor to everything that follow. Pure brilliance!

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