Friday 5: What Are We Thankful For?
Happy Friday, MetalSucks reader! Welcome to MetalSucks Friday 5, our awesome series that appears every Friday (duh) on MetalSucks (duhh) and involves the quantity of five (duhhh).
Here’s how it works: A list of best/worst/weirdest/whatever five somethings is posted by one of your beloved MetalSucks contributors or by one of our buds (like you?). Then you, our cherished reader, checks it out, has a chuckle, then chimes in with a list of the same. No sweat, just whatever springs to mind, k? (Just like that movie about those losers working at a Chicago record store!) After all, it’s Friday — the day dedicated by the gods to mindless, fun time-wasting. Today we give thanks …
Five Metal Reasons To Be Thankful This Thanksgiving
Anso DF, MetalSucks Senior Editor
1. The return of FNM
Dear reader, let us agree that Faith No More’s duty is to dwarf all the other big-time reunions. Carcass. At The Gates. Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, Alice In Chains. Crush all of them, the amazing reunions and the ‘good enough’ ones. Do it via better album, monster shows, killer vibes. And via a monster interview with us Bill Gould call me!!!!!
2. NickelChad, Avril marriage on the rocks
Look, we at MetalSucks don’t wish pain on anyone, ever! But if those two crush each other’s souls then I vote we all call it even for the music.
When asked for your reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving, you always have a clutch answer: MetalSucks! Here we all gab about metal music and about stuff that metal fans like or like to laugh about. What a blast. To enjoy it costs nothing and our writers are the realest. Thanks for reading! America rules! Axl 4 life.
4. Slayer’s new album will be awesome
The sonics on Slayer’s last album kinda have AIDS, sorry. But their upcoming album is run by a producer (Terry Date, above) of killer-sounding albums by Overkill, Deftones, Soundgarden, Sanctuary, and Pantera. He made fucking 24-7 Spyz sound incredible. Then we’re pumped also because Bostaph can be a better drummer in 2014 than his predecessor — one who was unhappy his entire second tenure with Slayer, and one with whom I do not share a philosophy re: drum sounds.
5. It’s looking like 2014 will be the third consecutive calendar year in which I don’t hear even one note of the song “Bleeding Me” by Metallica.
Two more years and the hostages go free! Have a great weekend!