Blythe with Slipknot’s Corey Taylor at Knotfest Japan, via Blythe’s Instagram
Randy Blythe’s Instagram has been very active the past few days, first with pictures from Lamb of God’s visit to Tokyo for Knotfest (and a maddeningly delicious-looking bowl of ramen), then with a number of distinctly Asian pictures of indeterminate exact origin. Today Blythe finally spilled the beans: he’s in Taiwan, guest acting in a movie being made by Taiwanese metallers Chthonic!
As if Blythe hasn’t already done enough in life — world-class musician, political hero, acclaimed author (soon enough) — now he can add “movie star” to that resume!
Blythe describes the movie as “primarily… a comedy with lots of action & knowing Chthonic, a bit of politics.” Sounds interesting! Unfortunately we’ll probably never know for sure as, presumably, it’ll all be in Mandarin, but I’m sure eventually a clip of Blythe’s part will surface on YouTube.
Here’s the Instagram post in full along with cheesed-up Blythe in costume: