Slayer’s Kerry King Endorses Waffle Fries from Chick-fil-A
Today in total silliness that isn’t really news: we already knew that Slayer guitarist Kerry King loves a good, home cooked meal from TGIFriday’s… but now we know another one of the axe slinger’s favorite eateries: Chick-fil-A.
MetalSucks reader Frank E. happened to catch Kerry King ordering waffle fries from the Chick-fil-A drive-through in Hollywood this past Friday afternoon, October 3. (We’re not sure how Frank knows Kerry had the waffle fries; maybe he ate them right there in the parking lot or something.) This strikes us as a little odd — we know the dudes in Slayer don’t make Metallica money, but we’d have guessed they could afford to at least treat themselves to fries from one of Los Angeles’ many, many fantastic restaurants that are’t Chick-fil-A. Maybe King just has a soft spot for this particular artery-clogger (I can sympathize — I find it very hard to say no to Whoppers)?
ANYWAY, here’s a blurry photo of King placing his order. You can’t see his face, but the tats are unmistakable. We hope this provides you with many giggles, or at least another excuse to call us “The TMZ of Metal” in the comments section.