Watch The First Episode of Devin Townsend’s ZTV and Check Out His Spiffy New Website
I absolutely love the new official Ziltoid website. It’s totally old-school, a big, full-screen flashy affair with animations and the like, but done in a classy way that takes modern browsing habits into account (i.e. no “mystery navigation”… you don’t need to press each button to find out what it is). Some of the features aren’t loading for me, like the Ziltoid game (!), but let’s give Devy the benefit of the doubt and chalk that up to heavy traffic from the launch.
Included in the site revamp: the very first of three episodes of the LONG, long-awaited ZTV series. This episode serves as a setup of sorts for the Ziltoid story this time around… and based on what I’m seeing I can’t wait to see how the plot unfolds! I feel silly saying this about a puppet, but it’s great to see our old pal Ziltoid back in action again after six whole years. Here’s Devin himself via Facebook:
The crowd-funding campaign has allowed me to actualize Ziltoid and its music in ways I’d always hoped for, and the idea with the three web episodes is to set up the concept of the album. This first one is less over the top than it gets by episode three, but it needs to establish the whole story before it gets more absurd. It is a great pleasure to be able to do this, and was an awesome experience (other than having to explain to management and family why I spent so much money on puppets :)
Devin Townsend’s double-disc DTP / Ziltoid affair Z2 comes out on October 28th. Europeans can pre-order it here, and Americans will have to wait for the privilege of giving Mr. Poopypants our money.