Sh*t That Comes Out Today: September 16, 2014
Hi MetalSucks reader! Welcome back to Shit That Comes Out Today, your satanic bible of each week’s heavy new releases. We list ‘em, we spotlight ‘em, we link you to their preview jams and full streams — and everybody wins. And if we missed any legit new shit, we beg you to email us! Thanks! Now crank it up!
Texas In July
Bloodwork (Equal Vision)
On a playlist with: Misery Signals, August Burns Red, Elitist
Listen Bloodwork full stream (here)
God, remember some years ago when the word “metalcore” was used by pig-nosed snobs to categorize anything not “super legit pure metal”? Well, Bloodwork is a giant, shit-covered axe to their faces. You can’t relegate a whole sect of respectable music to the turd pits just because of omg breakdowns and omg legato riffage and omg clean choruses. Texas In July doesn’t have the greatest track record — nobody ever considered them “up there” among the best — but this is a new phase.
III (Candlelight)
On a playlist with: Textures, Devin Townsend’s alter-alter-ego
Listen “I Hold Dominion” (here)
It’s curious how “offbeat”-sounding heavy music can call to mind Devin Townsend. Xerath is massively unlike our bald-headed warrior, but you can feel his upbeat oddball shtick that makes him so damn lovable and famous: “wall of sound” synth, super-rhythm choruses, and echoed braaaahhh screams. Xerath’s III is way darker and meaner, and that mediates the posi. Perfect.
The Contortionist
Language (eOne/Good Fight)
On a playlist with: The Haarp Machine, Structures, Volumes
Listen “Primordial Sound” (here) “Language I: Intuition” (here)
Language is a massive, hyper-progressive album from an incredible band. And while you’ll miss the bust-yer-ass sensibilities of 2012’s Intrinsic, there’s something to the lounge/connoisseur pretenses of this delightful record. Obviously, this ain’t yo momma’s or fadda’s metal; it’ll sure show them a thing or three about how far the genre has come.
Aethyr (Xtreem)
On a playlist with: Beneath The Massacre, Visceral Bleeding, Odious Mortem
Listen Aethyr full stream (here)
The only thing I love more than listening to Aethyr is saying “aethyr.” It rolls of my tongue like a hot pat of butter from a warm midnight flapjack! Fans of tech-death might miss the more classically-oriented death shit, so it’s convenient that Emeth has fully co-morgified these two to achieve a hybrid. They also burn through riffs like machine gun shells, or popcorn during the spicy sex scenes in The Secretary.
Towers Of Flesh
Antithetical Conjurations (Candlelight)
On a playlist with: Funeral Throne, Binah, Theoktony
Listen Antithetical Conjurations full stream (here)
There are two types of metal evil: 1) “omg look at us we’re so evil” with blood and guts and weird moons and knives, etc., and 2) actual evil. Antithetical Conjurations is the latter. There’s no flim-flam here, just the full-on feature: sinister blackened death. I’ve spun it two or three times already, so good.
Gust (Southern Lord)
On a playlist with: Trudger + Alpha & Omega’s lovechild
Listen Gust full stream (here)
Gust’s new album Gust is a gust of wind sweeping away the measly farts of other Swedish melo/punk-core bands. It rips and burns and then, fuck, it even gets soft! Hardcore sentimentality, it’s a thing! But what really shines is Gust’s when sounding dense, layered, and nuanced with simple instrumentation. It’s the sign of all-important Good Songwriting. Good goddamn album.
Abusiveness Bramy Nawii (Arachnophobia) listen
» Aevangelist Writhes In The Murk (Debemur Morti) listen
Albez Duz The Coming Of Mictlan (Iron Bonehead) listen
Algebra Feed The Ego (Unspeakable Axe) listen
Anthrax Chile On Hell DVD (Megaforce) watch
» Antropomorphia Rites Ov Perversion (Metal Blade) listen listen
» Black Moth Condemned To Hope (New Heavy Sounds) listenBloodtruth Obedience (Unique Leader) listen listen
Brainoil Brainoil reissue (Tankcrimes) listen
Brotherhood Till Death … (Southern Lord) listen
Cannibal Corpse A Skeletal Domain (Metal Blade) listen listen read
Colossus Badlands (Face Down) listen
Crucified Barbara In The Red (Despotz) listen listen read
Death Penalty Death Penalty (Rise Above) listen
Flyleaf Between The Stars (Loud & Proud) listenFreak Kitchen Cooking With Pagans (Lasers Edge) listen
Ides Of Gemini Old World New Wave (Neurot) listen listen listen
Ingurgitating Oblivion Continuum Of Absence (Willowtip) listen
Iron Reagan Tyranny Of Will (Relapse) listen listen listen
» Krullur Grounds For Termination EP (HPGD) listen
Lago Tyranny (Battleground) listen
Lord Volture Will To Power (Mausoleum) listen
Majestic Downfall/The Slow Death split (Chaos) listenMalpractice Turning Tides (Sensory) listen
Martyrvore Malevolent Desolation EP (Iron Bonehead) listen
Mortuus Grape Of The Vine (Ajna Offensive) listen listen
Motionless In White Reincarnate (Fearless) listen listen listen
Myrkur Myrkur EP (Relapse) listen
Noctem Exilium (Prosthetic) listen
Nothgard Age Of Pandora (Trollzorn) listen
Num Skull Ritually Abused reissue (Relapse) listen listenObey The Brave Salvation (Epitaph) listen
Obscure Burial Epiphany cassette (Invictus) listen
» Old Wounds Death Projection EP (Good Fight) listen listen
Philm Fire From The Evening Sun (UDR) listen
The Pineapple Thief Magnolia (Kscope) listen
Red Zone Rider Red Zone Rider (Magna Carta) listen
Redemption Live From The Pit CD/DVD (Sensory) listen
Reverorum Ib Malacht De Mysteriis Dom Christi (Ajna Offensive) listenShards Of Humanity Fractured Frequencies (Unspeakable Axe) listen
» Siftercide Self Titled (Nailjar) listen
Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators World On Fire (Dik Hayd) listen
Sleepwave Broken Compass (Epitaph) listen
Snailking Storm (Consouling Sounds) listen
Society Sucker Society Sucker EP (Get This Right) listen
Sons Of Crom Riddle Of Steel (Debemur Morti) listenStallion Rise And Ride (High Roller) listen
Stryvigor Forgotten By Ages (Svarga) listen
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath (Iron Bonehead) listen
» Villainy Villainy I (Hammerheart) listen