Sh*t That Comes Out Today: August 19, 2014
Imagine Wheel Of Fortune with bands instead of prizes on the spinny wheel. Unfortunately we don’t have a roulette system for STCOT, but it’d be, like, totally awesome! Instead, just open all the links as tabs in one browser (lol). Then hold control + page up (or page down) to start the “spin.” Release and crank! Thank us later.
Digital Dream Sequence (Metal Blade)
On a playlist with: Evan Brewer, Thomas Giles, Joy
Listen “Stab Wounds” (here) MetalSucks interview with Dan Briggs (here)
Wankery usually sucks. The last thing we wanna do is stare at virtuosos in a oh-faced circlejerk with programmed drumlines and lackluster choruses. Trioscapes puts some class and groove into wankery, though. In fact, Digital Dream Sequence might rank up there with my all-time favorite instrumental albums. It’s got jazz, fusion, metal, and wicked bass to boot. Most importantly, it doesn’t drown you in a sea of rhythmless, cheesy nonsense.
Our Vessel’s In Need (Gypsyblood)
On a playlist with: Mastodon, Phantom Glue, Red Fang
Listen “End Regions” (here)
What happened to strong midsections in heavy music these days? Now it’s all about the parts in-between: verses, breakdowns, and interludes. Our Vessels In Need is a showcase argument for a healthy, rock-focused backbone in a larger metal animal. This album doesn’t win any awards for outright originality, but for playability and replay value (very important still!), it rules.
Foundations Of Burden (Profound Lore)
On a playlist with: Conan, Indian, Elder
Listen “The Ghost I Used To Be” (here)
Read Excretakano MetalSucks review (here)
If you haven’t checked out our review of Foundations Of Burden yet, do it, because it has all the information you need about why this album is a goddamn solid release. I’ll add: Foundations Of Burden is all things to all men! It’s that one-hit wonder which satisfies the greatest range of metal tastes without becoming hugely generic. It’s your intro-to-doom guidebook for the next 10 years or so.
Take Over And Destroy
Vacant Face (Comfort Point)
On a playlist with: Phazm, Kvelertak, Shining
Listen “Split Screen” (here) “Vacant Face” (here)
Yum, juxtaposition: bar rock with black metal pretensions! You’d think that the blackening would suck all the groove out of something otherwise party-influenced, but Vacant Face is proof that this ain’t necessarily so. This is a serious, forthright punch-and-push album with the dynamism of all things black! Plus those vocals. And that organ.
Totalitarian Dystopia (Unique Leader)
On a playlist with: Black Tongue, Belgephor, Ingested
Listen “A Gluttonous Abomination” (here)
Have you noticed the influx of fucking heavy lately? We had Belgephor’s kickass new release, then this little diddly from the relatively unknown Black Tongue. While these albums all share their differences, they have one thing in common: thump thump thud. It seems like every riff was crafted with a sole purpose. Surprisingly enough, this doesn’t close the gate on some fancy riffage, progression, and style. Ain’t no regular slamcore in here.
He Is Legend
Heavy Fruit (Tragic Hero)
On a playlist with: Every Time I Die, Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster, As Cities Burn
Listen Heavy Fruit full stream (here)
Some albums are just, like, kind of transcendental. You can’t easily pigeonhole them into “genre this, genre that,” and you certainly can’t accept them for face value. Heavy Fruit is one of those “metal” albums which reminds you of the sheer joy that music can provide. There are no crunchy bits or hard-to-digest fibers here, just plain ol’ good goddamn rock/metal-‘n’-roll.
Accept Blind Rage (Nuclear Blast) listen
Ace Frehley Space Invader (eOne) listen
American Coping With Loss (Sentient Ruin) listen
Bad Case Of Big Mouth Straight Up Bad Luck (Eulogy) listen
Black Trip Goin’ Under (Prosthetic) listen
» Cardinals Folly Our Cult Continues! (Shadow Kingdom) listen listen
Cenotaph Riding Our Black Oceans reissue (Chaos) listen» Children Of Technology Future Decay (Hells Headbangers) listen
Cross Examination The Dawn of the Dude EP (Organized Crime) listen listen
Crucifyre Black Magic Fire (Pulverised) listen listen
Darkness Divided Written In Blood (Victory) listen listen
Deadlock The Re-Arrival (Lifeforce) listen
Dictated The Deceived (Metal Blade) listen listen
Diskord Oscillations EP (Hellthrasher) listen
Dragonforce Maximum Overload (Metal Blade) listen listenDying Out Flame Shiva Rudrastakam (Xtreem) listen
Egypt Central Murder In The French Quarter (Fat Lady) listen
Empire Auriga Ascending The Solar Throne (Moribund) listen
Extinction A.D. Plague Prophecy EP (Good Fight) listen listen
Grinder Blues Grinder Blues (Megaforce) listen
Halcyon Way Conquer (Nightmare) listen
Johnny Touch Inner City Wolves (Shadow Kingdom) listen listen
Joy Under The Spell Of Joy (Tee Pee) listenKarma To Burn Arch Stanton (Deepdive) listen
» Khtoniik Cerviiks Heptaedrone (Iron Bonehead) listen
King 810 Memoirs Of A Murderer (Roadrunner) listen
¤ Midnight No Mercy For Mayhem (Hells Headbangers) listen
Passion For Sorrow Rotting Immortality (The Orchard) listen
Pillbuster Brothel (Stonerkill) listen
Powerlord The Awakening reissue (Shadow Kingdom) listen
Principality Of Hell Fire & Brimstone (WTC) listenProvocator Antikristus (Moribund) listen listen
Punch They Don’t Have To Believe (Deathwish Inc.) listen
Sacrocurse Unholier Master (Hells Headbangers) listen
Six String Slaughter Born Unspoiled (HPGD) listen
» Sleeping Giant Finished People (Century Media) listen
Sloth Herder / Horde Of The Eclipse split (Unholy Anarchy) listen
» Those Who Bring The Torture Piling Up (Selfmadegod) listen