In Which We Denied Playing Drums on the New Slipknot Album
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Here are this week’s top stories:
- We created a bunch of silly Photoshops of metal singers shoving hot dogs down their throats.
- Chris Adler denied playing drums on the new Slipknot album.
- We dug a really heavy song by the band Black Tongue.
- Machine Head shared all sorts of fun details about their forthcoming new album.
- Revocation released the first track from their new album.
- Some kid’s dad posted a cover of Slipknot’s “Psychosocial” to YouTube and we laughed a lot.
- Two Asian dudes covered Lamb of God’s “Laid to Rest”… while driving in their car.
- We admitted that we couldn’t tell the difference between real amps and an AxeFX in a double-blind listening test.
- Carcass announced a tour with Obituary, and The Black Dahlia Murder announced a tour with Suicide Silence.
- Video footage from a Guitar Center grand opening made us puke.
- East meets West: Babymetal met Unlocking the Truth! (and Kirk Hammett)
- We spoke to Mike Derks and Brad Roberts of Gwar on The MetalSucks Podcast.
Have a great weekend y’all… Axl just went on vacation, so when we come back on Monday you’ll just have to put up with my stinky farts all week!
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