That Time Phil Anselmo Covered a Song by The Smiths with Dave Hill

Phil Anselmo and The Smiths aren’t two musical artists you’d expect to see mentioned in the same sentence, but there you have it: after a New Orleans screening of an episode of Metal Grasshopper, a new web series created by comedian Dave Hill, Anselmo crooned The Smiths’ classic “Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want” over Dave Hill’s guitar accompaniment. For a guy who’s had his fair share of vocal struggles in recent years Anselmo did an admirable job! It starts off kinda rough, but he settles in once things get going. And it’s worth noting that this was all just for kicks anyway — no one’s trying to win American Idol here. My only regret is that the video cuts off right as Anselmo starts growling or saying something very emphatically; what wise words did he offer?? Watch:
[via Metal Insider]