Corey Taylor Wants Slipknot to Tour with Mudvayne and Mushroomhead

During a recent interview with Live Metal, Corey Taylor was asked about the possibility of Slipknot touring with their much less successful masked counterparts, Mushroomhead. Taylor responded thusly:
“I’m working on that, honestly. It probably won’t happen right away, just because [Slipknot’s] been gone for awhile and we have all these changes, and we’ve got a new album coming out. So we want to kinda take the first six or seven months and just kind of re-establish ourselves.
“But, I can say it’s on my radar and it’s one of the things I want to do, like for real. Honestly now, especially now since [GWAR vocalist Dave] Brockie’s dead—that was one of the guys that I really wanted to tour with. It was GWAR, [Slipknot], Mushroomhead and Mudvayne. I really wanted to put that together. So trust me. Hopefully sooner than later we will see what happens.”
A couple of random thoughts about this idea:
- So I guess Buckethead, Lordi, and Sykosis can all just go fuck themselves?
- Since Slipknot guitarist Jim Root split with Stone Sour while Taylor remained in that band, and Mudvayne guitarist Greg Tribbett split with Hellyeah while Mudvayne vocalist Chad Gray remained in that band, maybe Stone Sour and Hellyeah can open the tour? Y’know, for maximum demonstration of squashed beef?
ANYWAY, I’m sure this tour will make a trillion dollars if it ever happens. I’m also sure all thirty members of Mushroomhead are currently on their knees praying to God for it to come to fruition.
[via The PRP]