Amott vs. Amott: Armageddon are Back! U Jam?

I find it interesting that on the same day that Michael Amott’s Arch Enemy released a new track so did his brother Christopher’s reactivated Armageddon. Just coincidence, or a little sibling rivalry?
I’m not very familiar with Armageddon’s back catalogue — none of their three albums were released in America, and they all pre-dated the era of widely available Internet music — but from what I understand the new track “Captivity & Devourment” marks a return to form after a shift towards a more power metal oriented sound on 2003’s Three (listen to that album here). Even notwithstanding the historical context, this track is awesome in a vacuum: the riffs kill (in a vintage Arch Enemy kind of way), there are some trace latter-day Enslaved-ian black metal elements mixed in with the melodeath you’d expect, the lead guitar work is phenomenal, the vocals are punishing… all around a great track. Honestly, I think I prefer it to the latest Arch Enemy. Check it out:
Captivity & Devourment will be released later in 2014.