
Rap-Djent: Devastator Wanna Party Like It’s… 2014



We’ve discussed Hacktivist at length on this site. Now, behold: Devastator.

What do you think? Is rap-djent the next annoying trend in metal, or just a side show distraction from a larger metal sub-genre that’s in decline?

Regardless, rapping in metal is definitely on the rise. Besides the aforementioned, there’s the modern atrocity known as Issues, and nostalgia tours featuring (hed)p.e. and Soil (to name one example) aren’t completely shitting the bed. A new Emmure song even features a DJ fer chrissakes.

Are these just isolated incidents of bands incorporating their influences into their material, or are they representative of a larger wave of nostalgia fueled by kids who weren’t old enough to experience rap metal the first time around?

Let the arguing commence.

[via No Clean Singing]

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