Free Download for Your Listening Pleasure: NYC Sucks, Volume 3, Featuring The Best of New York City’s Metal Scene [Re-Post]

OH HAPPY DAY! Ladies and gentlemen, MetalSucks is proud to present Volume 3 of NYC Sucks, the completely free series of comps we’ve curated to spotlight some of the best metal bands currently dominating the New York metal scene. This volume features thirteen songs by as many bands, who run the gamut of genres, from death to tech to prog to grind to black to hardcore to doom and more. We truly feel that this is a great sampling of all that New York’s thriving metal scene has to offer, and we’re beyond proud to be sharing it with you — absolutely, 100% free of charge.
You can stream, or, better yet, just download the comp below. It contains high-quality 320kbps MP3s, and as well as a PDF of digital liner notes with information about all the bands. Please help get the word out… send the comp to your friends, put it up on torrent sites, submit it to .rar Mediafire blogs… just spread the friggin’ music by any means necessary! Here’s the track list, with full descriptions of each band further down the page:
1. Primitive Weapons – “Quitters Anthem”
2. Black Table – “Sentinel”
3. Ruine – “Regression”
4. Sannhet – “Lion’s Eye”
5. So Hideous – “My Light”
6. Hammer Fight – “Made in Rock”
7. Tidal Arms – “Gooski’s Ladder”
8. Gyre – “Circle to Feed”
9. Sun Woman – “Waterslides”
10. Natur – “Decion”
11. One Hundred Thousand – “Far From Dead”
12. Resolution 15 – “Overdriven Maxim Mvt. 2”
13. Car Bomb – “The Seconds”
And don’t forget that Volume 4, featuring thirteen more great bands and songs, will be out on April 28!!! You can also still download volumes 1 and 2 for free here and here!!!
(includes 320kbps MP3 files, Album Cover, PDF Liner Notes)
1. Primitive Weapons – “Quitters Anthem”
From the album The Shadow Gallery (Prosthetic, 2012)
Primitive Weapons are an unstoppable live force; see them once and you’ll become entranced by frontman David Castillo’s hypnotic pull and the band’s non-stop pounding, churning, hypnotic energy. The Shadow Gallery is full of crushing, grinding, churning anthems that mix big, burly riffs with an exhuberant hardcore youthfulness.
2. Black Table – “Sentinel”
From the album Sentinel (2012)
Black Table’s music is very NYC, which we mean as a compliment; by turns bleak, proggy, capital-”E” Evil, and dreamy, it was clearly designed by people who live in an area where everyone hates everyone else for no particular reason, and the weather renders it basically uninhabitable for half the year anyway. Can music be neurotic even if it’s not made by a band called “Neurosis”? Listen to “Sentinel” and you can practically hear the therapy sessions.
3. Ruine – “Regression”
From Winter Demo 2014 (2014)
Given their pedigree (the band features Magrudergrind frontman Avi Kulawy and drummer Justin Ennis from alumni NYC Suckers Mutilation Rites), sludge-doom outfit Ruine arrived on the scene with some very high expectations. But “Regression” not only meets those expectations — it surpasses them. It isn’t just some filthy, degenerate-style elephants marching shit, but it repeatedly takes sharp right turns in ways that are at once unexpected and completely organic. It’s both unsettling and invigorating.
4. Sannhet – “Lion’s Eye”
From the Lion’s Eye EP (Sacrament, 2013)
Brooklyn’s Sannhet made waves with their 2013 full-length Known Flood, then followed it up later in the year with the two song Lion’s Eye EP from which this track comes. The band’s blackened, atmospheric, mostly instrumental post-rock draws you in, sucks you away and spits you back out on an opposing shore like an invisible but potent riptide lurking just underneath the surface. Sit back, relax and get lost in the waves.
5. So Hideous – “My Light”
From the album Last Poem / First Light (2013)
Ready for one of the most beautiful ugly sounding songs you’ve ever heard? So Hideous, innovators of blackened orchestral post-hardcore (yeah, you read that right), are epic, raw, furious and morose. Their most recent offering, Last Poem / First Light, was recorded with The First Light Orchestra, a ten-person string section, a vocalist, and a tuba player (!). It may be the first album ever to unite fans of Buried Inside with fans of Celeste.
6. Hammer Fight – “Made In Rock”
From the album Chug of War (Horror Pain Gore Death, 2013)
Do you like headbanging and drinking beer to rock n’ roll riffs and classic shred? Good, ‘cause so do we! Don’t overthink it: just crank this shit loud and don’t forget to wear your party pants. Jersey in the house!
7. Tidal Arms – “Gooski’s Ladder”
From the album Tidal Arms (2013)
Who is Gooski, and where does his ladder lead? While the first question remains a mystery, we can happily answer the second: it leads to some incredible stoner/noise/post-everything rock. The way the band combines fuzzed-out guitars with riffs that are alternately off-kilter and crushing and desperate-sounding, ghostly vocals makes for a listening experience that can be both extremely pleasurable and extremely likely to induce anxiety. How is that possible? Damned if we know. Ask Gooski!
8. Gyre – “Circle to Feed”
From the album Second Circle (2013)
Tribal and just the right mix of catchy and techy, Gyre lean towards the djenty side, but their good cop vocals never sound like some whiney robot; they’re emotional, sure, but the production gives them a spacey echo chamber quality that’s decidedly more human than what you may be used to. And did we mention that this shit is stupid catchy?
9. Sun Woman – “Waterslides”
From the album Sun Woman (2013)
Sun Woman guitarist Sam Brodsky is also the bassist for NYC Sucks alumni Meek is Murder — but those seeking more MiM-style grind/hardcore should look elsewhere. Sun Woman is an equally awesome, but totally different sounding beast: aggressive, raw, proggy, and somehow incredibly controlled and totally schizophrenic. RIYL East of the Wall (who, incidentally, are ALSO NYC Sucks alumni!).
10. Natur – “Decion”
From the album Head of Death (Earache, 2012)
Vest metal of the highest order, Natur’s “Decion” will make you wanna grab a sword and ride atop a mighty steed to an evil sorcerer’s castle, where a beautiful princess desperately awaits your rescue from the most well-guarded and torturous of dungeons (all while wearing a vest with no fewer than fifteen metal band patches sowed on, natch). Something tells us you will emerge victorious! It must be how totally righteous these riffs are.
11. One Hundred Thousand – “Far From Dead”
From the A World Divided EP (2013)
One Hundred Thousand are decidedly more polished than most of their NYC Sucks peers, but that is by no means a bad thing. There are (ahem) one-hundred-thousand reasons to love One Hundred Thousand, but let’s start with the simplest one: as demonstrated by “Far From Dead,” their songcraft is top-notch. Like the lovechild of Sevendust and TesseracT, One Hundred Thousand are seemingly incapable of writing a song that won’t get stuck in your head. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…
12. Resolution15 – “Overdrive Maxim Mvt. 2”
From the album Svaha (2012)
Metal just got violin[t]: these violin-wielding NYC metal warriors are like nothing you’ve ever heard. Forget folk, pagan or any of the baggage that usually comes with violins when they’re associated with heavy music… and imagine straight up METAL that’s simply got distorted violins instead of distorted guitars. It’s an unusual approach to be sure, but this is no usual band.
13. Car Bomb – “The Seconds”
From the album w^w^^w^w (2012)
We’ve never been unfortunate enough to be one of the many schizophrenic homeless people you often see on the streets of NYC, constantly muttering and/or screaming at themselves and others. But we imagine that this is the noise those poor souls hear in their heads. “The Seconds” is just the kind of envelope-pushing, description-defying extreme music we’ve come to expect from Car Bomb; the easiest summary we can come up with is “Meshuggah + The Dillinger Escape Plan = Car Bomb,” and that doesn’t even begin to do the band justice. Do yourself a favor and just listen!