Announcing: NYC Sucks Volumes 3 & 4 — Two MORE Free Compilations Featuring the Best of New York City’s Metal Scene

If you read MetalSucks a lot, you know we’re very proud of our hometown, New York City. And, hey, can ya blame us? New York is the cultural center of the world, home to all the best museums, music, theater, architecture, public transportation, pizza, needlessly aggressive under-bathed taxi drivers, girls in yoga pants, and terrorist attacks in the world. Hell, we even have the best worst sports team! How could we NOT love The Big Apple?
Which is why, in 2011, we conspired with some of the finest metal bands from NYC (and okay sometimes Long Island and even New Jersey) to bring you NYC Sucks, a two-volume, 100% FREE digital compilation, which featured music from Tombs, Made Out of Babies, Krallice, Black Anvil, East of the Wall, Meek is Murder, Batillus, Tiger Flowers, and more. (And both volumes are still available! Get ’em here and here.) Thing is, the number of awesome metal bands from The City That Never Sleeps seems to increase every month. So while two volumes is a lot of music, we always knew that someday, we’d have to curate two more volumes.
And that time has just about arrived! Yes, MetalSucks is proud to announce NYC Sucks Volumes 3 & 4, twenty-six more killer jams from the boroughs’ most brutal. And, yes, once again, it’s going to be a COMPLETELY FREE DOWNLOAD. You’re welcome!
Here are the bands included on both volumes, in alphabetical order:
Alekhine’s Gun
Artificial Brain
Black Table
Car Bomb
Dead Empires
Extinction A.D.
Flaming Tusk
Hammer Fight
Mutilation Rites
Old Wounds
One Hundred Thousand
A Pale Horse Named Death
Primitive Weapons
Resolution 15
So Hideous
Sun Woman
Tidal Arms
Torrential Downpour
White Widows Pact
You may already be familiar with some of these bands, but we’re betting you don’t know all of ’em. Which is the whole point! We legitimately think our local scene is A++++++ WDBWA, and we’re beyond excited to share this small piece of that scene with all of you.
Volume 3 will be released on Monday, March 31, and Volume 4 will follow on Monday, April 28. Both will be available for 100% free download right here on MetalSucks, and will includes 320kbps MP3 files, Vertebrae 33’s amazing album cover, and PDF Liner Notes written by Vince and Axl themselves. ‘Til then…